Saturday, January 21, 2012

Purge Blog Hop!


A few blogging friends of mine are having a hard time letting go of our much loved papers and embellishments. We decided to share them with all of you in a week long Purge Hop!


1. Tosh          6. Julee

2. Andrea      7.Janelle

3. Maureen    8. Betty

4. Sonja         9. Jen

5. Laurie      10. Teresa

Comment once on the hop spots you want a chance to win and tell us what you spy as your favorite item. The hop will stay open until January 28th, 5PM ET. Each of my friends will post a winner from their prize post on Monday, January 30th!


My purge package includes…

5 used and gently used Cosmo Cricket 6x6 paper pads ( Early Bird, Salt Air, Material Girl, Pixie-Licious, Jolly by Golly)


2 used/gently used 6x6 paper pads (Green at Heart, Kioshi)


various paper flowers (some not shown)


various ribbon (some not shown),


Tim Holtz journaling tickets


Tattered Angels vintage key embellishments


Studio G small St. Patrick’s Day stamps


1 new package large sheer butterflies


1 new package of BasicGrey woolies stickers


3 gently used packages of brown, red, aqua Making Memories felt alphabet stickers (not shown)

and whatever else I can squeeze into the small mailing box!!  It will be a surprise!

Here’s a card I made with one of the Tim Holtz tickets…it was published in the December CARDS magazine :)


Thanks for stopping by!!  Enjoy the rest of the hop :)  Now onto Sony’s blog to see what goodies she’s got!


p.s. Please make sure I can contact you if you are the winner.  Leave your email in your comment if your email is not hooked up to your blog comment. Thanks!


1 – 200 of 211   Newer›   Newest»
Lynn said...

Good morning Moe! You know I don't need to add to my stash, but I think this is a fabulous idea!! And...I love your card. the texture on it is incredible!

ccrafty74 said...

I like your blog you are very talented... I spy with my little eye the butterflies and yummy paper stack, thanks for the chance to enter.

Lacie Root said...

Love the layering and the colors on the card. I have been trying to use up things or donate to church because this stack of paper is out of control. (loved it so much i pinned it!)

Betty said...

that 6x6 paper pads are calling my name. thanks for a chance to win! my email is bkeefe at lps dot org

Annie Rose said...

That card is gorgeous! Congrats on the publication. :) This giveaway is a dream -- so much awesome paper that I would LOVE to have! Thanks for the chance. :)

Tricia said...

Oh, paper, paper, paper! I love pretty dp and I'm really low on it! I'd love to win your candy. What a fun idea. And LOL that there is a St Patricks Day set in it! : )


Angela said...

Love your scrappy card; the collage is so pretty!

Your goodie package looks fun...I like the Tim Holtz tickets....

Tammy said...

Great idea and card! We all probably have supplies we could purge! Love the burlap on your card!

Anonymous said...

What a great card and a wonderful idea! You are so generous and this is so appreciated! Thanks so much - I can't wait to see what the other 'purgers' are offering. Moira

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Lovely idea, thanks for a chance to win.

Tammy said...

Oh,right--spyin' those woolie stickers!

Cheryl said...

This is such a great idea! I have a weakness for 6x6 paper pads so I have to say I love those the most.

I love your collage card. The textures and colors are fabulous.

Have a great weekend!


Andrea R said...

I am excited about the 6X6 papers. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jenny said...

As always, Moe, love your cards!! As far as the fave in the pile, I think those keys look pretty darned fun!!! Thanks for the chance to win...this is such a different and fun candy hop!!!

Basslady said...

your card is all the texture on it!

my favourite item is the key-set...

thanx for this fantastic and generous hop!

hugs and kisses from germany,
silvi xoxo

Alice said...

The vintage key embellishments look amazing and so does your card. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jill said...

WOW---can't pass up on the 6x6 paper packs--lots of great stuff--thanks for a chance to win. Love your card.

Vicki Dutcher said...

Look at all this fun paper and ribbon!! How wonderful~

Love your "clustered" card - I love that look!

Karen Day said...

Look at all that fabulous paper!! Guess you can tell what I like to hoard.... Thanks for the chance to win, Maureen :o)

Leah said...

I just love this idea of recycling. Thanks so much for sharing.

Sabrina said...

Wow! The each blog on the hop is being very generous! I'd say all thos papers and vintage keys are calling to me. Thank you for the chance to win!

Gabriela said...

Oh my word! Just look at all those mini decks, and embellishments! Aren't you the sweetest?

Tracey said...

LOVE your CARDS card Maureen!!! Perfect in so many ways!! Thanks for a chance to win this amazing give-a-way ....I LOVE those 6x6 pads!!!

Lynn M said...

awesome I'd love to enter

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Oh, oh, oh!!! The 6 x 6 paper pads. I think I'm drooling!

Chana Malkah said...

I absolutely love your card! Nice focal group! Your purge pak is pretty cool, too! Thanks for the opportunity to add to my stash!

Debbie said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm a sucker for lace and trims. Great give away.

Melissa said...

Such a cute card!! I have my eye on all that paper, love it!

mzcherub at gmail dot com

Marsha said...

Your card is so beautiful. Wish I could think artistically like you do. Love the textures. One thing that caught my eye in your "stash" is those beautiful butterflies.

Debi said...

How much do I LOVE all the goodies you have listed. It is like going on the BEST shopping spree without leaving home!! BTW, I adore every one of your cards too.

Meghan said...

What a fun blog hop idea! I remember your great card from the CARDS magazine....congrats!

Marla said...

WOW what amazing papers and trims!! I would LOVE to win these. Thanks for doing such a great blog hop and I love the card you created!!

Michelle said...

Your card is lovely. The burlap adds such fun texture. I have recently fallen in love with Cosmo Cricket Minis so those are my faves in your great package.

Giovana said...

Love paper and I can take them all here :) Your card is beautiful. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

JenL said...

Awesome card! I love the sheer butterflies and the vintage keys.

Sherrie Conner said...

I love Cosmo Cricket paper!! Thanks for sharing your stash with us!!

m hoch drei said...

So nice things ! I love the ribbons ! Thank you for sharing your ideas .. and for winning this cute stuff.

bbourassa said...

You're card is awesome. Congrats on being published!! This purge hop is so cool and so generous of you. Thanks.

Carol from La Crosse said...

Some of the products in your giveaway I haven't seen on the market. It would be hard to pick just one that I favored. I always love new papers to create with.

I would be so appreciative to win any one of them.

Thank You for the chance to win. Great idea for a blog hop! You girls are some of the most talented women in the crafting blog world!!

Sherry said...

Wow love the card I spy Tim Holtz tickets I love Tim Holtz and his products thanks for the chance to win

Andrea M said...

What a great idea Moe! What a great offering! Your card is AMAZING!!! I'm pinning that baby when I get back on my computer!!! LOVE!

Yo Glenn said...

Always love your creations. Thanks for a chance at the generous candy - love those butterflies.

Heidi Kimmerly said...

Fabulous card! Am in love with the paper and the butterflies.

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

oh keys and paper! Thanks for the chance to win!

Penny Wessenauer (d0npen) said...

Maureen, beautiful card! Unusual for a Valentine's card, but perfect for my taste! Nice work! Thanks for the inspiration, and for the super blog give away.. so generous of you ladies to support the greater crafting community like this!

Caroline D. said...

Your card is lovely.. love all those texture layers!! You girls are being very generous with such big piles of blog candy!! Hard to pick a favorite, but I'm a paper junkie of sorts

thestampinglady said...

I adore ribbon! Can't make a card without it. Of course any goodies are fun. Thanks for the opp to win. Great use of the TH ticket on your card with the other embellishments.

Miriam Prantner said...

Oh I just love those tags, looks great on your card!

KathyE said...

I am so addicted to papaer so I would love to win the paper pads. Thank you so much for the chance. Love your cards!

Christine said...

I love the idea of cleaning and sharing. The butterflies are my favorites.

Luanne said...

Wow, I love your card! Congratulating you on your publication too. :). I can see why. I love the 6x6 tablets too. I keep telling myself I can't buy anymore. Yeah right, I can do that...not! Have a great weekend!

LILIANA said...

Your card is SO cute! Paper from the purge pile is my fav. Thanks for the chance to win.

Deb Buckminster said...

Oooh! Your card features my FAV color -- PEACH!!! And the TEXTURED LAYERS...aaah!!

If I simply MUST choose ONE thing I MOST like from your goodies, it will be the wonderful PAPERS!!

Holly Barrett said...

Mini Decks from Cosmo Cricket are fun! This would be a great prize to win.

TerryAnn said...

LOVE your card! I always need new ideas and am sure getting a lot of them :) What a treat to have a chance at some fun new things to use. It all looks good to me!

Anonymous said...

What a cool, artsy card. I really like all the texture!
I'm liking all those paper pads!

Kelly said...

What a beautiful card! I really enjoy your blog and appreciate the opportunity to win!

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Beautiful card!
Love all of the wonderful embellies & paper pads. The Tattered Angels vintage key embellishments jumped out at me. Would love to win those. Thanks for the opportunity.
Huggies ~

Liz Terrazas said...

great idea and very generous.. Thanks for the opportunity to win and finally expand myself with some great new treasures..Liz@

Kristin K. said...

Cute card. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

Amy Kolling said...

Oh Maureen! Your layers of texture just blow me away! Gorgeous!!

I spy....the papers the papers!!!

momandjack said...

Just learning how to collage on cards ... love anything TIM!!

Teri C said...

Awesome...I like Cosmo Cricket! tericout at yahoo dot com

Marisa said...

What a great idea :) Love the card and all the goodies on it!

Bev J. said...

Like the ticket and the collage assortment-very nice! Great assortment of goodies-thanks for a chance to win.

Elizabeth C. said...

What a way-cool card! Thanks so much for giving us a chance to hit your stash! I'd love to win any of the 6 x 6 pads; they make coordinating pieces so much easier!

Fiona said...

Fabulous - love the mini decks :) Thanks for the chance to win

Colorado Crafter said...

What a great prize pack! My favorite thing would be the Cosmo Cricket papers. I've never used that brand and would love to try some. I think with a Google ID for blog comments the email is available to you, but I don't really know how that works so just in case it's not, my email address is cocrafter at

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

LOOOOVE all those mini paper pads! THANKS for the chance to win--sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Jeanette said...

I am such a paper fan. I love paper.

Laraine R said...

Great card!! I see lots of possiblities with all that paper!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

The Paper Parade said...

Wow, what an awesome idea! I just purged a lot of older items myself but was able to find a crafting friend that was interested in them. I would love to have some of that patterned paper, because I don't have much and I'd love to build my stash :)

Susan said...

Your card is so pretty, kind of CAS but yet not, KWIM? I like it a lot!
the tickets are cool. I do not have much TH stuff. Those woolies look interesting too, and I LOVE paper!
Thanks for the opportunity :)
susanscraps AT comcast DOT net

Kelly said...

Love the ribbons and flowers you have.I have a passion for keys too. Great Purge idea.

Lisa Fowler Windsor, CO said...

Love your card Maureen.
And I love your pile of goodies your giving away. What caught my eye right away were the Tattered Angels key embellies!

scrappingnana said...

Adorable card. Love all the elements you used. Great stash of goodies. I love the Cosmo Cricut 6x6 pads. Thanks for the chance to win.

Margie said...

Congratulations on getting this card into the magazine - I'm not surprised though, its fab. I really like the layers and textures on there. What a great give-away too - so generous. My favourite item would have to be the TH journalling tickets.

Wanda Cullen said...

LOVE that gorgeous ticket card and love this fun blog hop! I'd have to say the vintage key embellishments are my fave in the stash!

Sandra L. Hansen said...

That is an amazing purge pile! Beautiful butterflies.

TrinaM said...

Love your card and also love the 6 x 6 paper pads that you have included in your stash to give away.

blaze said...

Thanks for sharing your stash! I just started getting your email
updates around Christmas. Love your stuff! And that beautiful house! So green with envy!

Marina said...

Liked your card a lot. Simple and elegant. From the pile of goodies I spied a lot of DP, it's always needed.

Jessica said...

what a fun card! love those tickets, and the awesome paper pads!! :)

Suzanne said...

Holy Moly, Moe! That is an awesome know how much I LOVE patterned paper! Congrats on the publication...I see them all the time...including your ROCKIN' feature. CARDS is my all time favorite!!!

Bernardine Cuttino said...

Love your cards, purging is good for the soul. I see some 6x6 paper. I am in for the long haul.

Unknown said...

Love the blog candy thanks

Marthamh2 said...

Everything you have would be apprecited. I think my favorite would be the paper pads. Thanks for the chance to win.

April said...

What an awesome card!!

Loving the mini decks up there! Thanks for the chance to win. :)
- April W

Trisha said...

The Tim Holtz journaling tickets caught my fancy in your stash. Pretty card. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

Robbie said...

Love your card! Also, the goodies look so wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Ravengirl said...

Of course that was published, it's fabulous! The Basic Grey papers are my favorite in your stash there!

wendy said...

hee hee I have a slight addiction to Cosmo Cricket...he and I have a thing ...LOL..wouldn't it be wonderful to win more Cosmo Paper ..thanks for the chance

Cris said...

awwww, 6x6 papers

Anonymous said...

St. Patty's day is coming up and I'd love to play with the stamps. Thanks for the opportunity.

Cindi said...

Your cards are awesome!
I haven't met a Cosmo Crickett I didn't like! Or BG Woolies!

Audrey said...

the tickets! love love love what you did with the sample shown, i would love to see what i could do with those! thanks!! ~audrey

Tanya said...

So very sweet of you! Love the papers, butterflies, love it all! Thank you for the chance :)

Sheila said...

I spy purple. Purpe Butterflies that is. Love them and would love to win them.

Thanks for sharing,

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

the papers and ribbon. Love your card and thank you for a chance to win some goodies.

girlia said...

Great idea. Love those MME paper pads.

Lucille K said...

First, thank you for your generosity. I'm a paper person, love all kinds of paper. TY for a chance to win :)

Kerian said...

what a great idea!!! i love vintage keys and paper. thank you

Lori Gauerke said...

Sheer butterflies caught my eye!!

Sue from Oregon said...

I love Cosmo papers! Thanks for the chance to win these goodies!

Linda (Lindyloo) said...

Hi Maureen,
I love the card today, one thing I love but dont' possess (yet) are Tim Holtz tickets as they look so good on a card; yours proves that.
So, if I could win something for me it would be Tim Holtz tickets.
Good luck to everyone entering.
Regards Linda (S.Wales, UK)

Barb Turpin said...

Love your card...I've been on a Tim Holtz kick lately and I've got my eye on the journaling tickets...or the vintage key charms...or....what a fun give-away!

Basement Stamper said...

How generous! I love the Cosmo Cricket papers!

Erin said...

The journalling cards look like fun!

Colleen said...

The pads of paper are my favorite. Thanks for a chance to win some fun items.

EllenaElizabeth said...

Love your work and thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous prize. Happy Making!

forpahl5 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
forpahl5 said...

What a cool idea! I love the mini pads!


Fernanda said...

Love anything and everything Tim Holtz-so those keys and tickets will make my day!

Melissa said...

Hi Maureen...would LOVE some extra ribbon..ANY ribbon! And congrats on having a son at UBC Engineering...great program!

irishgalkelly said...

Hi Moe! Thank you, thank you for sharing your goodies with us! This Irish gal would love some St. Paddy's Day stamps or ribbon.

Beautiful card. Love that style.

meemee48 said...

I loe anything Tim Holtz. Would love to win.

Indy's Designs said...

I am addicted to ribbons and I spied some fun ones!

Kelly said...

Wow! The tickets look like alot of fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

Linda said...

Love your beautiful card! Thanks for the chance.

FrancineB said...

I'm rather partial to the mini decks.

lynneatw said...

I love your card and all your prizes especially the 6x6 pads.

MarvA1ix said...

What a sweet card you made, with such and interesting combination of textures. Makes me want to dig into my sewing stash :) You have a sweet stash to share, too. I love the little paper pads. Sometimes I take just one little pad, and some stamp sets to the cabin with me, just to see how many cards I can make from the one paper pad for inspiration.

ArtisticInkspirations said...

Cute, cute the mesh.. and what a selection of goodies you are giving away!! SO many things, so little time to stamp!!

Edna Siu said...

wow, I love your beautiful card. love how the background stamps come up, it is elegant enhance to the sentiment. thanks for the chance to win your goodies.

Unknown said...

Cosmo Cricket is one of my favorites, but those Tim Holtz tickets are what's calling out to me. Thanks for sharing your stash, and for inspiring us with your awesome card!

Naomi said...

Your card is FANTASTIC! Love EVERYTHING about it! Especially, the burlap, felt heart, and stick pin...just GORGEOUS!

What a FAB prize package! You are SO generous. Thanks SO much for a chance to win!


Marilize said...

What a stunning giveaway - so many pretties :)

The paperpacks will always get my vote - it's a feature, not an addiction - teehee.

Thank you for being so generous. This hop is one of my favourites.


Ellen (aka ScrapStampnMama) said...

You guys are many great items..I think my favorite would have to be the paper packs..can never have enough paper!

Colleen said...

Thank U 4 this opportunity.
I must say, I love them trinkets and then them butterflies are nice as well and also like the ribbon and my paper supply is getting low so that would be nice as well.
Shoot; I just like and want it all. :}

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

The Basic grey Woolies caught my eye. That is something I would like ot play with but would not fit into my budget. Love the big TH ticket on your card! What a great building base that is!

Angella D. Crockett said...

First of all, I LOVE your card! The burlap is so cool and I love the entire design! Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies! I would have to say the paper pads are the most drool-worthy!:)
Blessings, Angie

LoveSnailMail said...

6x6 paper is the absolute best for my card making projects. Glad you have some to share along with your terrific card inspiration! Thanks!!!

Davi said...

Very pretty card with the fiber and giant ticket!! Your whole giveaway is great but those lavender butterflies sure caught my attention :)

Sheetal Ahlawat said...

I love DPs, and love the idea of you guys sharing your stuff with others. Have a nice day :)

Dana said...

Wow!! Lovely giveaway!! Love the butterflys and ribbon!!

Dee in N.H. said...

Very generous candy!!!! The papers and flowers caught my eye first!

Lou said...

My eye caught the mini decks right away. Love paper....
Thanks for the chance .
Your card is awesome.

Annheidel said...

Cosmo Cricket paper...swoon! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Kim Lundstrom said...

I love the papers and the Tim Holtz journaling tickets! Fun stuff!


Judi said...

I love your use of fabrics and the heat pins here. Lovely. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

Linda W. said...

What a wonderful purge packet. I have none of it! Most of all I'd love to have the TH tickets! I am crazy into cutting and making my own tickets - it would be awesome to have those of the master himself!

Linda W. said...

Maureen - I love your cards! Wish I could be that good! I love everything - especially dp! My email is

joanieg said...

Your Purge pile is terrific!! I love all the paper pads! ThankYou for sharing and inspiring! Your cards are also awesome and I like the idea of color on invitations!

luvglitztoo said...

The purge is a great idea. Would love to swap craft rooms too. That could be a new reality show. LOL. Love the 6 x 6 paper pads.

Luanne said...

Gorgeous card! love your layout.
Thanks for the chance on your lovely goodies!

myfootahead at gmail dot com

PatS said...

Great bundle of goodies. Thanks for the chance to win. Just in case her is my email: plsakron at aol dot com

Jackie B said...

Thanks for the chance to win something. I see the Tim Holtz tickets and the vintage key.

Romayne said...

Loving this blog hop - great means of discovering yet more awesome blogs to follow and enjoy. Love your cards too. If I HAD to choose, my fav item in your stash would be the paper pads - I'm just SUCH a paper addict LOL - my office is awash with paper dust but I just can't stop myself!! :)). Hugz, Romayne, N. Ireland, UK.

Delta2001 at ntlworld dot com

Heather said...

I Love your blog. It's always so inspiring. Thanks for giving your followers a chance to win cool supplies. I just love Cosmo Cricket.

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

I'm chuckling at Lynn's comment (#1), of course I don't "need" more things, but if I win your purge, I promise to do a purge of my own... I love Cosmo Cricket, and any of their papers would get plenty of use in my crafty chaos.

PJ said...

A purge blog hop is such a fun idea. I am always drawn to paper pads, and the ribbon, or rick rack like ribbon rolled around the tag also catch my eye! Love your card and your use of the burlap. It adds such nice texture!

Heather said...

Somebody is going to be very happy to receive this in the mail. I know I sure would be! Those butterflies caught my eye right away and the dp. I'm trying to use up my stash of paper I don't really love before I buy any more. But getting it for free wouldn't mess that up. ;)

Judy G said...

Oh--I love the paper packs! Thanks for the chance to win...

Anonymous said...

I would love that Early Bird paper pad girl!! Love your card, omg, those pins in the heart!

Mary-Anne V said...

I am in great need of 6x6 paper so any are welcome...thanks for the chance to win some great goodies.

Stampin on Sunflower Drive said...

Thank You for offering such a great giveaway.

Jill Norwood said...

Oh my loving the paper pads but it all looks like fun! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

jillandstu at aol dot com

Denisse said...

your card is super fab! i love all the gorgeous texture...and that prize package! well...i would like to get my hands on some of that gorgeous paper!

Rema DeLeeuw said...

I love all the paper pads. You can never have enough! Thanks for sharing....

Helen said...

Such a lovely card. I love the various colours and textures - so pretty! The goodies are unbelievable!

Venus said...

I came here through Tosha's blog. It's so nice of you to share your craftroom supplies to us. I could use a new stash. I wrote a post about "purge" and about this ongoing hop. Have a great day and thanks for the chance!


Anonymous said...

As much as I don't need any more paper, I love paper! I love your card! All of the different textures come together so well... love it!

Julie Ann said...

Love the card and the give away. What a wonderful pize package.

a Tiffany original said...

I love the card you made! I love the hearts! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cyndy said...

Well what fun this purge is for all of us dreamers! Being of Irish descent those St Patrick's Day stamps are calling my name :) Thanks for the chance to win them!

terri said...

I love the butterflies but would be happy to win any of it.

neddgirl said...

Those journaling tickets caught my eye right away. What an awesome giveaway.


Flo said...

I'm a pushover for 6x6 paper pads. Great giveaway. Thanks.

Nancy L. said...

love those purple flowers!!

Notes by Nina said...

Fantastic card, I love the textiles you used.

Super Blog hop, great idea. You have a ton that you have on display.

Danielle said...

I love the texture on your card. I also love the mini decks your giving away! Thanks for the chance to win!

michib said...

The Tim Holtz journalling tickets look very yummy!!!

Elizabeth Terry said...

I need to clear out my 12x12 paperstash in a big way!! Or at least get moving and use it..but i'm a sucker for 6x6 pads..and my eye spies those ones from Crate Paper..coveted them all but somehow made sure to stick to my no paper purchase rule!

Robin Cooper said...

The butterflies caught my eye. What a great way to clean out!

Angelicnwa said...

love Tim Holtz and the butterflies! Never seen the papers before, would love to try them! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jingle said...

Your card is so super cute! Thank you for the great giveaway! jinglesells at gmail dot com

DMM said...

Thanks for the generous give away Maureen! Cosmo Cricket is one of my favorites!

marymac said...

Tim Holtz journaling tickets and wonderful papers. So many wonderful projects to make.

BonnieC said...

I spy the Cosmo Cricket papers and the vintage embellishments -- love all of it!

marymac said...

Your package has so many wonderful gifts. This has been a great "hop"

Desert Kat said...

how can you lot go of such pretty paper? i save every scrap, but my eye in on the butterfly's. Thanks

Jen Cuthbertson said...

What a fun idea! I love the Cosmo mini decks and I can't get enough of those Tim Holtz tickets!

Jana said...

I have my eyes on the Cosmo Cricket Paper Pads and the Woolies. I've never used them but would love to try.

Denise said...

This is the second time I've stumbled upon your blog today. The first was from Pinterest and now the Blog Hop. I hadn't noticed the hop before. Gotta say, I love the coordinating paper pads. They make card making so easy!

febe said...

Great job! I love the texture and the work you did on the heart. This is perfect.

revitol skin cream

Lee Ann Barrett said...

Thanks for purging! I love, love, love dp any brand. The dp would be my choice.

S.C.Gardner said...

It all looks great....the Tim Holts journaling tags and the keys look good...

Cher said...

oh such a bunch of cute cards all over your blog! u are talented! luv luv your color choices so much. I like BOLD too sometimes. Im a paper junkie!

Debbi said...

Love your card, love your style. Paper....what girls doesn't need more paper. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lisa T said...

Congrats on getting your card published! It is beautiful. I love the mix of layers & textures.
My favorite item would be the 6X6 pads. I find myself using them more & more in my cardmaking.

Luana said...

I spy my favorite thing is that wonderful it, love it, love it. TFS

Heidi said...

oh my gosh, what a wonderful idea Mo! I have been thinning my stash over on SCS recycle thread but love this idea. I am like you always need to think things out but also believe another crafters "extra" is my treasure. hee he........ hope all is good. Heidi

Vicky said...

Oh my gosh I love all the items listed especially flowers, ribbon & anything vintage.
Vicky schmidt

TannyP said...

Seriously genius!! That's a lovely card, too...I can see why it was published. Your embellishments really catch my eye - those keys are lovely. It'd just be the 'putting them to use' part that's a challenge!

Pat said...

What a fabulous stash of goodies. This is a very generous offer and I thank you for the chance to win. Love the paper but it's all yummy.

IslandV said...

Your cards are SOO PRETTY! You make it look so simple! I am card making challenged! Thanks for the inspiration! I spy those vintage hardware in your blog candy! I would love them! Thanks for the chance to win!

Debra Hensley said...

Such a beautiful card- I love your style! Thanks for the chance to win- the ribbon and butterflies are so pretty!

N@ Ali said...

these giveaways are amazing! love yhe oversized ribbons!

Pendra said...

I spy A LOT of gorgeous goodies... in particular I see gorgeous trims and papers and flowers all of which I am slightly addicted to! Thanks for the chance to win!
Crafty Hugs,
pendrah at comcast dot net

Terri Trotter Earley said...

This is such a fun idea. Loving all of the basic grey!

It's a good life!
Terri E.

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